Wednesday, August 17, 2005

3 Secrets To Understanding

3 Secrets To Understanding: "Music Therapy: Can Music Really
�Soothe The Savage Beast?�

Music Therapy: Can Music Really �Soothe The Savage Beast?�

It has long been suggested that �music soothes the savage beast.� But is this true? And if it is, does this have any implication where humans are concerned? The answer, apparently, is yes. To illustrate this, researchers point to the different physiological changes that take place within the human body in response to different sounds and noises. A loud noise that shatters the silence sets the human heart racing and stimulates a rush of adrenaline that prepares you for flight. In contrast a soft, soothing sound helps us to relax.
Music therapy has, in fact, been around for thousands of years. Nearly four thousand years ago the Hebrew Scriptures recorded that the boy who would later become King David was hired by his predecessor to play the harp to calm King Saul when he would go into a rage. Likewise, the use of music therapy is found in the writings of ancient civilizations such as Egypt, China, India, Greece and Rome.
More recently, scientists have been studying the effects of music therapy and have documented changes in respiratory rates, blood pressure, and pulse in response to musical stimuli. Likewise, researchers in the realm of music therapy have found that the use of music therapy can be effective in areas as diverse as IQ and recovery rates, pain management and weight loss.
Some object that this sounds too good to be true. How can music therapy change something like pain management? Researchers tell us that the reason music therapy works is based on how we hear. Sound is little more than vibrations in the air that are picked up by the inner ear and transferred to the brain which is a key component in your nervous syst"

3 Secrets To Understanding

3 Secrets To Understanding: "Music Therapy: Can Music Really
�Soothe The Savage Beast?�

Music Therapy: Can Music Really �Soothe The Savage Beast?�

It has long been suggested that �music soothes the savage beast.� But is this true? And if it is, does this have any implication where humans are concerned? The answer, apparently, is yes. To illustrate this, researchers point to the different physiological changes that take place within the human body in response to different sounds and noises. A loud noise that shatters the silence sets the human heart racing and stimulates a rush of adrenaline that prepares you for flight. In contrast a soft, soothing sound helps us to relax.
Music therapy has, in fact, been around for thousands of years. Nearly four thousand years ago the Hebrew Scriptures recorded that the boy who would later become King David was hired by his predecessor to play the harp to calm King Saul when he would go into a rage. Likewise, the use of music therapy is found in the writings of ancient civilizations such as Egypt, China, India, Greece and Rome.
More recently, scientists have been studying the effects of music therapy and have documented changes in respiratory rates, blood pressure, and pulse in response to musical stimuli. Likewise, researchers in the realm of music therapy have found that the use of music therapy can be effective in areas as diverse as IQ and recovery rates, pain management and weight loss.
Some object that this sounds too good to be true. How can music therapy change something like pain management? Researchers tell us that the reason music therapy works is based on how we hear. Sound is little more than vibrations in the air that are picked up by the inner ear and transferred to the brain which is a key component in your nervous syst"

Monday, July 12, 2004

Diet & Weight Loss Secrets

The Top 10 Weight Loss Diet List 1) The Negative Calorie Diet (tm)
Sales of The Negative Calorie Diet weight loss eBook (Win95/98/Me2000/XP/NT and Mac)

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Diet & Weight Loss
If 10 dieters take the same diet or weight loss plan and 8 of them lose weight, the diet plans work, right? Not necessarily!

Suppose weight loss is followed by weight regain?
Suppose the diet drugs cause heart problems as well as weight loss?
Suppose the diet or weight loss medications become addictive?
Weight Loss is Not the Only Test for Diet Plans
Weight loss is not the only criteria by which to assess the effectiveness of diet pills. Weight loss is only one element.

Diet & Weight Loss Plans Work Best When....
You are seriously overweight (obese), or your weight poses health problems; and
You have tried a conventional weight loss diet & exercise plan, without success; and
Your doctor prescribes weight loss medication for you; and
The diet or weight loss drug is part of a proper diet and exercise program; and
Whatever weight loss pill you take, you follow manufacturer's instructions; and
You revisit your doctor regularly to check whether the weight loss pills are working and be examined for side-effects; and
You use diet & weight loss drugs as a short-term aid to weight control.
Diet & Weight Loss Plans
Diet and weight loss plans or pills, whether prescription or over-the-counter weight loss supplements, are only effective when combined with a healthy diet and exercise plan. So in order to lose weight and improve your body shape, check out our diet information.

NOTE: Before using any form of diet pills or weight loss supplements, please consult your doctor.